Monday, April 10, 2006

And the countdown begins...

I went and saw my surgeon today, Dr. Kilway. Very nice guy, hate the name though. He doesn't seem much older than I am. He went over my options again with the partial and full right mastectomy. I am definitely going with the full mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. He also wants to do a sentinel lymph node biopsy before hand. That will check the first couple of nodes near my armpit. That will determine if it has spread. If that's the case, then he will do a dissection during the operation. He's not thinking that will happen though.

So instead of going in at 11am for a 1pm surgery, I go in at 8:30am for a 10:30am procedure. I will have dye injected into my breast and armpit area. That will help them locate the nodes and yada, yada, yada. So after I get injected, I wait around a while for the dye to get where it needs to go then they will do the operation and all that good stuff. I did great during the appointment, I didn't get too worked up or anything. That came later when I had to go talk to the surgery coordinator. She gave me all my paperwork and let me know more details. That's when I wanted to starty hyperventilating! lol Talking in theory is one thing, actually doing it is another thing entirely.

I'm really tired of every conversation I have or every event I go to has questions about my boob. It's like no one can talk about anything else. I would love to go to anything where I wasn't asked about it. I don't mind answering questions, but even Sunday School had someone leaning over asking me what the course of action was. Uh, well, when I find out Sister So-and-So, you'll be the first one I tell.

I got my 3 prescriptions filled today. I guess I needed a muscle relaxant, percoset, and an antibiotic. I start the antibiotic tomorrow morning. I was so impressed. I thought it would be a huge amount of money for these pills and it only came to $30. So yippee for me!!

I got the weirdest phone call. I saw on the cell phone that it was an 801 number coming in. I thought it was my sister but wasn't sure why her name wasn't showing up. So I answer and someone wishes me happy birthday and asks how I am. I'm trying not to sound like an idiot, but I have no clue who it was. When she finally told me, I about passed out. It was my old friend from school!!! She was at my 5th birthday party 27 years ago. Her mom and my mom are in the same ward still and I guess my mom told her mom on Sunday what was going on with me. The other mom called her dd who in turn called my mom for my phone number who then called me. It was such a trip to talk to her! We grew apart in junior high and would barely talk in high school. She was the cheerleader, popular girl and I was ....not. But we were always in the same ward. So I was so dang shocked that she contacted me when she heard my news.

It was so nice to talk to her. We laughed and talked and giggled about stuff like we hadn't in years. I got caught up on some people we remember from high school and she updated me on her family and I told her about mine. I'm still on an adreneline rush from that phone call and it was an hour ago!

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