Monday, May 15, 2006

False alarm, no chemo tomorrow

I went into my oncologist appointment expecting to get final instructions on starting chemo tomorrow. I had my muga study or heart test this morning and I was prepared mentally and wanting to get things done at home to be ready too. Then the doctor tells me that they didn't get all the info they needed in time for me to be registered for the clinical trial by tomorrow. So Thursday at 10am I have my first treatment. They said to expect it to last 4 hours. Mom went with me to the appointment and I got to check out the treatment room. All the chairs were comfy looking recliners so that was nice. I might be a wuss and bring my Froggie.

So the muga study this morning was very easy. I got sent to nuclear meds (!!!) and was registered by a friend I used to work with years ago at the bookstore. That's insane! I met someone I used to work with there just the other day and now another person. It's just too funny to see these people after 10 years or so and we all knew each other.

Anyways, I got an IV put in as soon as I was called back. They immediately gave me a dose of something and exactly 20 minutes later I got the radioactive stuff that helped them see the pictures or video of my heart that the techs needed. So I lay down on this table that is just the width of my computer keyboard. The camera was like a giant circle that went over the bed like being on a table with a doughnut sliding over me. The camera thingy looked flat on one side, basically like what a chest xray looks like. I was positioned all over and then had to stay still for 15 minutes while the techs watched my heart do it's thing. I'm certain it's because sometimes chemo can mess with your heart and they want to see how my heart is working now and then afterwards too. It was a totally painless thing, I didn't feel the radioactive stuff going in and it didn't make me feel weird or anything at all. Once they got their video, they showed it to me. Pretty cool to see your own heart beating. They took out my IV and I was gone within 90 minutes or so. Thank goodness!!

Everyone likes my new short haircut. I do too once I styled it the way I liked. I figured I wanted it short and to try something totally different than I would normally ever do. Course if I don't like it, I can shave it off and everything will be fine! It's gonna come out anyways. lol

Good thing of the day...hmmmm.....

I got my People magazine today. I was able to run all over Portland and Vancouver and then walk the mall in Clackamas and not drop of exhaustion. I feel so tired all the time and never seem to get a chance to take a nap. I did lay on the couch this afternoon, and if the phone hadn't of rung when it did, I would still be there. I just want to sleep without feeling guilty for doing it.


Kermit~the~Frog said...

Just wanted you to know I am reading this blog. For every post my comment is the same: something along the lines of a cyberhug and an exclamation of how strong you are. And I'll type it after every post if you want me to.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.