So sick I want to crawl in a hole and sleep forever
Thank goodness this day is over. Our family has been sick off and on since last Wednesday. Lindsey had the pukes, Jason had problems at the other end, Chloe has a sniffly nose, and I got the horrid sore throat, cough, and runny nose after they are mostly better. I constantly feel nauseated and I'm forcing myslef to take those anti nausea drugs at every chance that I can. I can't just wait til I feel it coming on. I need to do it before hand.
Today was a bad day. I was so weak and nauseated and shaky. I could barely take a shower and then I had to rest for a while afterwards because I was wiped out. I couldn't stand the thought of food and all those feelings of being pregnant came back. The constant nausea and upset stomach, weakness, being not light headed but more brain farts than normal. I was feeling bad and wanted some comfort, so I called dh at work. He took pity on me and even though his mom was recovering from the icky illness Jason had, they gladly took the girls all day for me. I barely stayed up before I went to bed. I got up to go potty, take meds, and answer the phone if I felt like it. I really needed that sleep. I was beyond exhausted and not sure that what I was feeling was normal or the chemo. So I was hoping the doc would give me a good answer but it was more drink fluids, gargle salt water, etc. No antibiotics till I have a fever.
I would love to have a day where I'm not sick, there's no work to deal with, I'm healthy, my family and friends are happy, and life was how it was before I found this lump.
Good things! I got a wonderful package from Em and her mom M yesterday. It was the best thing that happened to me. I got some coloring books, my favorite smelling B&BW foamy soap, rubber gloves, smelly peppermint lotion, and a couple of other things including a gorgeous card signed by both of them. It made me stop crying for a few minutes yesterday and smile. For that I am very grateful.
(HUGS) Heidi. I hope everyone gets rid of the icky viruses it sounds like they've had. I wish I were closer and could take your kids to play :( But all I can really do is send you cyber hugs.
LOL Btw, heidi, so you don't think we're crazy. The candy bottles are for your girls, but if you want them, they don't have to know LOL ;)
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