Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happy 2 month anniversary to me

On this night two months ago, I was drugged up on morphine and barely aware of my surroundings. I was just getting back to my room at 10:30pm and I sort of remember my dh saying he was leaving to pick up the girls and my mom said good night. I didn't have a boob, I knew things were bad because of a nurse telling me how long the surgery went and that they did a node dissection. Since that time, I've discovered that I had a tissue expander put in during the surgery. It has since failed, I found out with the dissection that I would need chemo, radiation, and so on. I have my 3rd chemo this week and I can't pay for the meds I need for it. My mom has to help out to pay for it since dh doesn't get paid till Friday and heaven knows when I'll get paid for the apartments. It's humiliating to have help but I don't think we can forward any more money from dh's next paycheck.

So happy anniversary to me. I think I'll celebrate by downing some mind numbing drugs and trying to get some sleep tonight no matter if it's drug induced or not.


Valarie said...

well, that's two months closer to being through this. Hang in there, and don't be afraid to ask for help. I'm sure everyone around you realizes that this is a battle worth fighting.

Rachau said...

Two months closer to being throught this.Don't forget you have friends who are here for you!