My breast cancer quilt
My husband has a friend named Leanne that makes quilts with her mom. They own a business and the mom makes the quilt tops and Leanne uses a fancy long arm machine to put special designs on top of the quilts. Anyways, they heard I got breast cancer. They found some brand new fabric that was made for breast cancer research and the proceeds would go to support breast cancer. So they made me a quilt with these new fabrics and dh was able to pick up the quilt last week. I'm totally in awe of it and could stare at it for hours. I'm so grateful for Leanne and her mom for making this for me and all the beautiful work that went into it. It's beautiful!!!
that is beautiful in every way.
Heidi, that is just gorgeous. What a lot of thought and effort they must have put into that heirloom.
Gorgeous and Divine, like you!
That is beautiful.You have some realy nice freinds that care about you!See you really do rock!
What a beautiful blanket!
that is so pretty! I would love one, you are so lucky to have that!!!
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