Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Thank goodness it's Wednesday!!

Because Monday and Tuesday were hell! Sorry. But I've never hurt like that before. Imagine having shooting pains in your legs, from your hips to your toes and they come and go with no regularity. It's just a constant pain at some point in your legs all day and all night. Drugs don't help. It was not great last treatment, but this time was nearly unbearable.

I had my second treatment of Taxol and Gemzar last Thursday. I was ...okay through the weekend. But I woke up on Monday and I was in for it. It hurt a lot and not the same way it hurt with the tissue expander. This was something totally different. On Tuesday I had to take Chloe into the doctor for her well child visit. That was terrible. Nothing like hearing your child scream bloody murder over 3 shots to make you feel like crap. Anyways, I shouldn't have been driving. I would drift a bit or be too tensed up or my legs would cramp at random moments while on the freeway and other times I had to force myself to keep my eyes open. I couldn't take it after a while. We went to go pick up Lindsey at my mil's house. I didn't feel safe enough to drive home. I was in tears and had to have my fil drive me home and have my inlaws watch the girls till Jason could pick them up and drive them home. I got home and my sweet fil offered to help me into the house. I was walking like an old man so I don't blame him. I took something that finally let me sleep and was able to get some rest.

For Monday and Tuesday, I would walk around half bent over and with my legs bent at the knees. I couldn't stand up straight or walk too fast since I didn't know when the pains would start. I think the girls watched a whole lot of tv on Monday since I couldn't do anything.

But today I woke up and the pains were nearly all gone. I could barely feel them and it was like the pain switch was turned off. Good thing too, since I had so much going on. Go with Grammy and the girls to the park and eat pizza, bake cookies for RS function, go get labs done, drive through major traffic to pick up dh in downtown Portland, and then go home and get ready for RS function. NOT fun. But it felt good to know that I could handle it again. I almost welcomed all of the craziness.


Tanya said...

That is a crazy day, but boy! I wish I knew a great trick to get those leg pains out of the way.

Darci said...

Oh man girl I am sorry you had a rough few days.
I have to ask have you had the phantom itching yet?? I get them like my nipple or boob is itching and I can't get it so I end up hitting my boob so hard it itch it that my boob gets bruised... Yeah Dave thinks I am weird for it.
How is your skin expander going? When do they think you will be ready for an implant? Are you going to go the same size as your other or try to get a reduction of the other side? I am glad I went for the reduction since it relieved so much back pain and it was easier to find things to wear.