Feeling like the fat kid that never gets picked
I'm starting to read more and more blogs of friends of mine that I've met online. Some are great and have good stories, messages, pictures, etc. I know my blog is focused on my battle with breast cancer and is not "uplifting" or funny or cutesy in any way. But a small secret part of me whines and wonders why I don't have the comments some other people do that I know. Am I not writing stuff as good as their stuff? I know a lot of my entries are downers, but I can't help that. This blog is solely for the purpose of dealing with my breast cancer. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain. I didn't write this blog for the pupose of hearing someone say they read it. It's not needed, but dang, it would be nice to hear it now and then.
Been there babe! I'm sorry that I haven't been around, but I know that as much as you LOVE me, it's not the same as having others come out of hiding and give you something....anything. (((hugs)))
I am so sorry girl. I understand when you see some people and they have like 20 comments, you are like how?? But such is life. ((hugs)) I appreciate you sharing this hard journey with us!
BTDT. I am sorry, It's hard. I know I try to comment on other's blogs, but I run out of time, and I just think, well maybe that's why I don't have the comments...
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