Can this week get ANY worse???
Great!!! Just what I need this week.
TMI ahead. I have paper tape on all the scars from my surgery last month. Dr. Gray put them on telling me that it should help minimize or reduce the appearance of scars. On my left boob is a scar that looks like an upside down T. I had tape on everything except right where the junction of the two scars meet and have gauze over it because gunk still is coming out and I was expecting that. I was taking the tape off for a shower this morning and I also took the gauze off. There was a little bit of green gunk and when I checked out my breast, I noticed in the mirror that it was red over half of my boob. Not a good sign with the two of those things together. I have a feeling that I might be having an infection. This really really sucks.
I'm just waiting now calmly to see what else can happen this week. We are still waiting to get our vehicle fixed from the accident because the other insurance company finally accepted that it was their fault and are sending us a check. I have a couple of teeth that are hurting when I chew food on one side of my mouth which means a trip to the dentist possibly, I have to call the doctor tomorrow for an appointment about the possible infection in my boob, my fil has been in the hospital twice in one week for two different problems. One time was for a kidney stone that he couldn't pass and had to be blasted, the other reason was because his heart went out of rhythm and wouldn't go back in. I had an awful time dealing with a horrid resident and trying to get everything fixed with her. Dh is struggling and finally starting to crack with everything going on. I'm trying to work through some depression and make things better.
This all happened this week it seems. Some days I just don't want to get out of bed.
Im sorry it's so tough this week. I hope your fil is okay and I hope that the infection will heal quickly. (((hugs)))
so glad to hear that it's just a busted stitch!!!! (((HUGS)))
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