Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Day 17

I'm starting my 17th treatment today. I was told ahead of time that I may be late in starting, so I can try to work on that stinking puzzle that's driving me nuts in the waiting room. You only have like 3 minutes to work on it before they call you back so you never have time to finish more than 2-3 pieces at a time.

I'm starting to get some skin irritation from the radiation. I have a definite shape on my chest from the rads and a faint red spot near my neck and on my back. The first beam of radiation is higher up and hits my lymph nodes in my neck and it goes straight through me to the table. Which means I get radiation burns on my neck and on my back where it goes right through me. Blech.

I'm having a rough time lately. Everything makes me cry. Jason told me something yesterday that normally I'm really excited about but made me want to burst into tears. Everything did yesterday. I'm struggling to find good things that happen each day. Just too hard sometimes. I had to get started on antibiotics again because the redness in my boob has not gone away from surgery. It's not normal so I had to get on more meds. Then the cough I had never would calm down or go away, so they had to prescribe really strong cough syrup for me. I can't take that when I need to drive because it has codeine in it. But the antibiotics have given me a nice side effect that I can't seem to make go away so I may have to get a prescription for that if it doesn't clear up. I still have another prescription I need to fill but haven't done yet. I am out of my antidepressants and need to get that filled too. I'm a walking pharmacy, I swear.

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