Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Paranoia again - headaches and backaches

For about a month, I've had bad back pain. It hurt to do a lot of things and it was driving me nuts. My firs thought in everything, is will this be cancer? Is this something to be scared of? So after hurting for so long, I finally made a doctor's appointment with my own regular doctor. I got to see her before she went on vacation for a month. I love Dr. Susan the most out of all of them. She's like a mom and I can tell her just about anything and she'll take care of me. She's the one I measure all other doctors up against. I went to see her and she checked me out, got excited about my not scarf hairdo and had to touch it, and she made sure she asked me questions about how my treatment was doing. I told her about my back, why I think it was hurting, and so on. I told her where it was and she showed me an exercise or way to stretch the muscle out so it wouldn't hurt. She suggested I start walking and moving more in hopes of making it feel better. To put my mind at ease, she made me go over and get xrays at the radiologist. I think there were about 10 taken at least. The tech called my doctor immediately and my doctor over the phone reassured me that my back was just a muscle strain and that I somehow tweaked it. Not mets or anything bad at all. BIG relief there.

Then this weekend I went shopping at the grocery store and my vision in my right eye started to go weird. I could see straight ahead and to the left side, but not out of the right. It would get fuzzy around the edges and then the problem switched to my left eye and then after it was that way for a while, it was like I got tunnel vision and couldn't see out of the corner of either eye. Then I got a horrible headache. It lasted the rest of the night. I thought I might be dehydrated, but it happened again in the morning at church. I knew it was starting up again, so Jason took me home. The vision thing didn't last as long, but the headache sure stayed awhile. My mom freaked out and wanted me to go to the ER. I promised if it happened again, that I would. It hasn't so I haven't gone. But I called my oncologist and left a message. The nurse called me back and through talking to her, she said it sounded like migraines. I've never had them before and I didn't know if they could pop up like that out of the blue. She's going to call me back in the morning after talking with the oncologist.

She did say that I could go get my eyes checked. Ever since I had the last batches of chemo, my vision has changed. They said that chemo could change it and to wait because it should go back after it was over. Well, it's January and it hasn't changed back. So I go in next week for an eye exam and possible new lenses. Totally sucks, but I can't see anything close up unless I take my glasses off.

So the good news is that it appears that my aches and pains are totally normal and not cancer related at all. Oh well, I'd rather be overcautious now than not pay attention to my body.


QueenMeadow said...

I was thinking migraines as well. Mine just started up a couple of years ago, no idea why. And some are brought on by my crappy eating habits, oops. But others just pop up out of the blue.

I hope your back starts feeling better soon!

Tanya said...

I was going to say it sounds like Migraines because that's kind of how it happened to me when I had that one last year. i'm so glad to hear that you have such an awesome doctor. I'd love to find a gem like that. I am so glad to hear your back pain is 'regular' and that your fears were put to rest, I agree you always should listen to your body!