Happy cancerversary!!
So it was a year ago yesterday that I sat in a surgeon's office on a Friday afternoon and was told that that I had breast cancer. My dh was next to me crying and I was in SHOCK. I remember trying to joke with Jason and reassure him so that he could calm down. I put my thoughts and feelings aside because it was too much to deal with. By the time I left the office, I was pretty certain I would have a mastectomy over a lumpectomy. I'm glad I decided that then because when they did surgery, the tumor was pretty deep and close to the chest wall and they would've ended up doing the mastectomy anyways.

I wasn't sure how to approach my big day. I didn't know if I wanted to really have a party or go all out and celebrate or even acknowledge it. I was joking for weeks about making a boobie cake or going to buy one. A friend on the internet knew I wanted to do something, so she made me some lovely boobie cookies. You know you have a friend when they are willing to bake you boobie cookies and send them from California. So thank you very much Melissa!! I haven't giggled so much over a package in years!!
What I was able to do was have Lindsey visit the P's home and play with some of her little friends she used to have in nursery. I had lunch with Jason and then I was going to go to the rose garden. But then I thought better of it and went to the zoo. I've never gone by myself and it was a blast! I saw what I wanted to and spent as much time as I wanted at whatever exhibit I wanted to. I didn't have a lot of time, so I went to the polar bears, the lorikeets, and the big kitty places. The polar bears were on display and really very active. The big kitty kept going back and forth and finally got his blanket and flopped down on his big rock. The birdies were my favorite. They are so colorful and LOUD and beautiful. I bought some juice and the birds came and ate it out of my hand. At one time I had like 4 birds on me at once. It was hard to take pictures but the ones I got turned out great.

I enjoyed the time I had alone. Maybe each year on this date I'll have a date with just me and do something fun. Something to celebrate making it to another year. I very rarely do anything by myself that doesn't include staying at home alone. Usually everyone else leaves while I stay. But this time I was able to do what I want and not feel guilty about it. Here's to 50 more years of being a breast cancer warrior!!!!
1 comment:
A day at the zoo without kids...sounds like a fun day! You should have taken the zoo train, then you could have hit the rose garden as well.
Congratulations on making it a year, and on having a little time to yourself.
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