Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jason's skin cancer scare

During that long time of me not blogging, we had another cancer scare. But for once, it wasn't me! lol After I had my hysterectomy, dh took a week off to take care of me. During that time, I made him go to the doctor because he had a sore on his forehead that never would heal. It would scab over and then bleed again and the process would start all over.

So about 2 days after I got out of the hospital, we all trooped out to the doctor's office. He was looked at and they decided to take the little booger out right there in the office. After a long wait in the waiting room, he finally comes out. They were going to biopsy it because they said it looked suspicious. Poor guy, Jason rarely goes to the doctor's office for himself and I know he didn't want to make a big deal about it.

A few days later, dh gets a call at work and he lets me know that they found out that is indeed skin cancer. They think it's a basal cell carcinoma. But they want to dig deeper and get more taken out. This is a big deal now! I know that skin cancer is very very common, but after dealing with my cancer, we don't take anything lightly anymore. We searched things out, found out more information, and talked to other people. We got referred to a new doctor and went to meet him. He seemed like kind of a fruitcake with fingernails longer than mine. Not that that's bad, but just odd. We set the date for the excision. Jason referred to it as a surgery even though it was a procedure done in the doctor's office. He's never had any health problems ever, so he was taking everything so seriously.

I have been through my experience and knew it was not as big a deal. But I also don't want to diminish his fears and worries. So I tried to be super supportive and be what he needed me to be. The day finally came and we went out to the doctor's office. He had to have lots of numbing shots around the spot on his forehead. That was tough. Jason was really nervous and scared and that numbing stuff hurts! So I stayed with him and held his hand. He was hanging on so tight! Poor guy. So once that takes effect, they start cutting and dig out a rough diamond shape on his forehead. I stayed and watched everything and held his hand or kept my hand on him so he knew I was there. He handled everything well and we went home not too long after it was over.

He had a big gauzy bandage on his forehead but seemed to handle it just fine. He had a little bit of a divot on his forehead, but not much. The doctor was great and did lots of tiny fine stitches. When everything heals up, there will be a scar, but not bad at all and just a tiny bit of an indentation. We finally get the results back and we find out they got all the cancer out and he's perfectly okay!!!! No further treatment, no further digging anything out. Yay!!! He will go back in 6 months to be checked again, but he's good to go.

Thank heavens!!

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