Monday, November 10, 2008

My back is a problem again

Okay, first of all, I changed my blog background again. I've been wanting something that has pink ribbons on it and this is the best I could come up with. Not my favorite, but it works.

My back was slowly getting better and now it's bad again. Yesterday we had our Primary program and afterwards, I was bringing the chairs back to the Primary room. I was in a hurry and feeling...okay, so I grabbed 2 chairs under each arm and hauled them into the room. As the day progressed, my back got bad again. I woke up today and it's almost as bad as it was the last time. I'm hating life right now. I'm frustrated with being told to ice it and take advil. I want solutions, not a bandaid on the situation. So I didn't know whether to call the chiropractor or any other doctor. I called my general doctor and someone there is seeing me this afternoon at 4pm. I hope it works and they can really help me solve the problem. I'm really tired of hurting all the time. I would welcome a surgery even if it would make the pain go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it gets better soon.