Saturday, April 22, 2006

A breath of fresh air today

What a gorgeous day it was today! Too bad it was chilly with the wind blowing though. The sun was bright and everything was blooming.

I went to Vancouver to see Dr. Gray today for possibly taking out one of the drains that I still have a week after surgery. They are both draining too much to stop, so they stay in. Maybe next week on Thursday when I see her again. It's more annoying than anything since they don't hurt at all. Then she wrapped me up like a sausage in my little compression bandage and off we went. My inlaws were kind enough to watch the girls and agreed to watch them longer so Jason and I could go out.

It was so nice just the two of us. We ate at Applebees and then since it was too cold for minerature golf, we went to the mall. I have a gc at Lane Bryant and found a really nice skirt for John's wedding that I could wear. I bought a sweater shrug that I wasn't really thinking about and will probably return. Shrugs are better for people with boobs and since one is missing, it looks really funky. I also bought a pair of jeans at the mall with another gc and still have money left over. Jason bought himself a nice shirt at M&F so it was great all around. We had to go to two different malls to get everything, but it was still nice. I indulged and got a Jamba Juice and was a happy camper. I could suck down one of those things every day and never get tired of them. lol

Dumb thing we did was that we walked the length of both malls top and bottom. That's the most walking I've done since surgery. The best part of the whole day was that I haven't needed any pain meds at all! I'm really tired now and can't wait for bed. But another thing I did was took off my bandages and put on the camisole that the breast center gave to me in the hospital. They were great! The breast center brought someone over from the ACS, and they gave me a great soft comfie camisole made for post mastecomy patients. It came with two cotton falsie thingies that I could stuff in the bra area to make up for lack of boobness. I tried it out and there is velcro that attaches the falsie to the bra so that it stays in place. Looks semi normal at least for me.

It still makes me nervous to not have my bandages on and I'm afraid that I will be bumped or hurt or something and it will cause damage. Really nervous about church tomorrow too. Are people going to treat me different or look at me weird since they will know what's going on? That I have only one breast and that I have cancer now? Quite a few people are asking me what can they do for me. Honestly, I love getting cards in the mail. It's cheered me up tremendously and I have something to look forward to in the mornings. But how do you tell people that? It sounds so selfish. Send me something!!! I crave getting mail!!!!

Okay, off to the looney bin now. lol

1 comment:

sheri said...

Yay for a good day! I'm sure just feeling somewhat 'normal' for a few hours did wonders for your spirit. How did church go? And that's awesome that you were able to go w/out your pain meds. Hopefully the pain part will continue to improve quickly. I know tomorrow's the day Jason goes back to work (right?). I'll be thinking of you.