Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Don't be so nice

Have you ever noticed that when the word cancer is spread around that people start being ...nice? Almost like they're afraid that it's catching.

My dh and I didn't have the best relationship and didn't always show each other affection. Now he's constantly holding my hand, rubbing my shoulders, always willing to hold me or say affectionate things. My family is emailing me and being nice to me. That alone is freaking me out. Especially when we told my inlaws. They are suddenly as kind as can be and very attentive to me and asking lots of questions. We haven't always gotten along. At the beginning of Jason and my relationship, they were rather unhappy and didn't mind sharing that unhappiness around. So they are being nice now and so I know they are really worried. Most of my family is.

So why won't anyone get angry with me or argue with me? This scares me more than anything is people being so dang nice and accomodating for me and my needs. I'd rather they treat me like normal or I'm going to get a complex!


sheri said...

I'm sure I could always come up w/something rude to say to you :) (you do know that was said w/sarcasm, right?) Or if it makes you feel better, you can email me and say mean things! lol

Heidi said...

That would make me feel a whole lot better Sheri! lol Glad I can count on you to set me straight. ;)
(that was said with sarcasm too)

sheri said...

I can feel the love :)

Valarie said...

I'm so sorry, Heidi. I'm sure they're scared and just realizing how much you mean to them. Me? I'll fight with you any time. ;)

QueenMeadow said...

I'm sorry too. I bet everyone is in shock and will be back to their normal selves soon.

*smack* there, that was mean ;)

Amber said...

I'm so sorry! (I really am). I can't imagine how hard this must be to deal with. The kid glove thing will wear off as the shock does (I promise). I hope all goes well. I'll be thinking and praying for you.

Any kind of cancer sucks- but breast cancer is very treatable. (Although that doesn't make it easier I'm sure.) It seems like cancer seems to effect everyone in some way eventually.