Thursday, April 20, 2006

One week after surgery

I am physically in more pain right now than I have been all week. Part from shock and the other part just pure pain. Emotionally, I'm completely out of reserves. I weep at every phone call and cry buckets just thinking of how much pain I'm in.

Today we went to the reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Cynthia Gray. Jason had told me she would be putting saline into the tissue expander. I didn't really catch this til last night or today. She never told me this is why she was seeing me this week when we talked in the hospital. I thought she was just going to do a check up on me and see how the wounds were healing.

She checked everything out, the wounds, the drains, everything. It all looked great. Then she tells me it's time to put the saline in. So she marks on my newly deformed chest where she needs to do it. I don't feel a thing with her and her marking pen. She feels around for where she needs to put the needle. That felt like a lot of pressure. I didn't feel the needle go in til it hit the muscle. Then it was quick and then she lets the saline in with a gigantic syringe thingy.

Imagine being a bare week out of surgery. You hurt all the time though you know it's healing. With this tender flesh healing, someone sticks you and shoots saline into your tissue expander that's in your deformed breast and pumps it up with like 125cc of saline. Your boob looks even more deformed, it hurts like hell from the pressure, and the doctor says this will be a weekly routine til it's the size we want it. Right now I don't care if I'm flat as a board, I don't want to EVER go through that again. I told her before we started, please don't hurt me. She hurt me and hurt me badly. Mostly because I was shocked and didn't know it would feel like that and plus I wasn't really expecting it. So it took me by surprise and I was just shot.

I'm bawling every time someone calls to talk to me. I called my mom when I woke up from my drug-induced nap just to say, "Mommy, I'm hurting!!!" and I bawled. I bawled when the RS councelor asked how I was, when my sister called to say hi, etc. I couldn't even talk to my older brother on the phone because I had just finished my appointment and was still in pain and shock and was afraid I'd lose it on the phone. I was still fighting for control then and couldn't deal with talking to him. I hope he's not upset.

People say I'm being brave and strong and courageous. No, I'm not. I'm so scared and crying and mad and upset and wimpy. I want my mommy to make this better. I want to scream and hit and yell til I'm hoarse and hurt something til I don't hurt anymore. I'm definitely not a strong person at all. I'm crying because my best friend goes back to work on Monday and I'm going to miss him like crazy. I'm not brave at all. I want someone to be with me all the time because I'm so scared of doing anything by myself. Yet I want to be alone because I feel so ugly and tired and want to sleep. I don't understand myself anymore. I thought I did. But this whole experience has changed me upside down.

There have been great things happening and I have to focus on that. My inlaws have stepped up to the plate and been wonderful. They let their church know what's going on and people from their congregation that have no clue who I am, send me cards in the mail! My mil's birthday group all signed a card and sent it to me. Our names were in their bulletin. I love looking in the mailbox and that's selfish, but it's the best part of my day to see that someone was thinking of me. All my cards are up on the cupboards in my kitchen so I can see them all the time. Such a little thing, but you have no idea how important and helpful it is to know that you are cared about.

I'm just a mess tonight. I'm on several boards but can't seem to comment on anything other than my own problems. I read a lot but I'm so far gone that I can't see anything but me and situation. So sorry to those that I've ignored. I've read but not commented. For that matter, I'm shocked by anyone who reads this. I do this for my own benefit so I don't talk too much to my friends and family and bore them or lean too hard on them. I'm not good on the phone, so writing things out are better for me. So thank you to everyone who has been supporting me and listening to me so far. I feel so all alone and lost and wimpy and crying and to know people think good things for me is heartening and great. I just can't see it just this very second, I'm hurting so bad emotionally.


sheri said...

I want to just come and make it all better for you! I'm so sorry you're going through this. You ARE strong and brave. You haven't collapsed and given up. You haven't completely crawled under a rock to die. (although I'm sure there have been times you've wanted to) You are doing it! I'm glad you have this outlet to express your feelings. I hope it's another source of comfort and a part of healing for you. I'm still thinking of you!

QueenMeadow said...

I'm so sorry Heidi. I wish I could take the pain away, physically and emotionally.

You are strong and brave. And no that doesn't mean you can't cry and be scared at the same time. This is so much for one person to go through, you are awesome.

Valarie said...

Oh man, Heidi! That sounds awful. I do think you're brave and strong, this would be hard on anyone. I think you're handling things superbly. ((hugs))

Katy said...

HUGS! You aren't alone and I'm definitely thinking of you.

Rachelle said...

You are totally entitled to feel all those things. Each and every one of them is appopriate in a situation like this. I wish I could make it better. I am sending you big hugs and many prayers. That may not help much, but I hope it helps a little to know how many people love and care for you.

Kermit~the~Frog said...

I just read through most of this blog, Heidi. I'm sorry you are suffering like this, and I agree with all the others who said they'd like to take it all away for you. I still think you are strong, brave and wonderful.

Rachau said...

Heidi cry as much as you like to!
I am crying with you also.
Be as strang as you want to!
I am wish i could be there to help you!But you need your own time to deal with this in your own special way.

Stacy said...

Heidi! I am so sorry that you are going through this! I hurt just reading about it! (you have a nice way with words)

Stay strong and have faith. That's all you really can do at this point - and PRAY, of course. I will be praying for you as well.

Good luck!