Sunday, January 21, 2007

Nothing like a potential fire to get your heart racing

The joys of being an apartment manager. We come home from my parent's house and as we are getting out of the car, Jason says something and races towards one of the buildings. I turn around and see smoke billowing out of a townhome. I immediately call 911 and get the fire department on their way. Doesn't take long since they are maybe 4-5 blocks down the road.

Anyways, it turns out that someone was cooking dinner. They had a roast they were browning and went to another apartment. In between the time they were in another apartment, the roast started to burn and smoke was pouring out of the apartment. No fire, just smoke thank goodness. Anyways, we had two police cars, a fire chief, and at least 3 fire trucks show up. They blocked off the major road so the firetrucks could have access.

I'm so angry. Lindsey was so scared because she thought there really was fire and that her daddy was in it. She kept whimpering the whole time. The entire complex showed up in the parking lot to watch. The stupid idiot had ripped off one smoke alarm and it wasn't working, the other one upstairs was constantly going off, and the other one didn't have a battery in it. Besides, what idiot leaves food on the stove to cook and leaves the stinking apartment? Jason stunk of smoke when he came back after fixing two of the smoke detectors. The girls even had the smell in their hair from being outside in the parking lot. The guy in the apartment has changed his story. He said he was only gone 10 minutes when I talked to him. When Jason was fixing the detectors, the guy was getting angry with Jason, and told him he was only gone 5 minutes. He was eating the roast with Jason there!!! He doesn't even live there, he was visiting his daughter who lives there.

They are so going to be fined or given notice or something!!!! Messing with the smoke detectors, leaving the apartment while you have food cooking like that? INSANE!!!!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

What dorks. Poor Lindsey! I can't imagine the fear going through EVERYONE! I hope they do get some kind of repercussion, that's just pure craziness.