Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Tooth Fairy came to our home tonight!

FINALLY!!! C has had this tooth hanging by a thread for like two weeks and she was too scared to pull it out. We've bribed, threatened, nearly forced, and pleaded to let us yank that puppy out. Didn't work. C and L were playing in the living room today when L bumped her head into C's mouth. Knocked the tooth right out and we couldn't find it anywhere. There was very little blood and C rinsed out her mouth and told me that it didn't hurt at all like I promised it wouldn't. So now she has a hole in her face and is just adorable. My big girl is growing up!! Anyways, I made up a little note and tiny envelope and slipped it under her pillow with a gold dollar inside. I can't wait for her to show me in the morning. Yay!!!!

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