Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Struggling along with the new chemo

It's been a very busy week for me. In the last 30 hours, I've had 4 nosebleeds, various other bleeding, been sick to my stomach trying to make other side effects go away, and then I had to run to the hospital to have my blood drawn at 7pm last night. I called the cancer doctor and let them know I was having some side effects that I wasn't expecting and was it normal. Since I'm on this trial, they are very attentive and very careful about how I'm doing. The oncall oncologist decided that I needed to get my blood drawn immediately instead of waiting till today to go into the cancer center. So I go to the nearest hospital and had my labs done. Turns out my platelet count and blood cell counts are fine and I'm slightly anemic.

Then I get a call today from the cancer doctor who wants me to come in on Friday to have my labs done AGAIN. Just to check them before the weekend. Thank goodness I'm covered on this stuff by insurance! Next week is a chemo week, so I have to go in on Tuesday to have them done too. So 4 times in two weeks to have my blood drawn. Great.

The other side effects I was told about have now started to develop. Part of it is my fault though. But anyways, the painful achiness and joints hurting have started. It was so bad tonight that I wanted to cry. I took two percocet and I'm floating now. But stupid me, after I got home from the hospital last night, I stayed up late making freezer jam. I had the berries and had to make the jam while the berries were fresh. But standing in the kitchen barefoot while your joints are hurting wasn't the best decision. I hurt from the hips down all night.

I would love to have one week where something wasn't hurting or aching or my stomach sick or having nosebleeds. Just one week! I feel whiney, but good grief!!!! Anything bad that can happen, any bad side effect that can happen, has. I'm tired and emotional and sick to death of feeling bad. It feels like years since I have felt 100%. I went and saw my regular physician today and she said to go have a massage, manicure, pedicure, or something that would make me relaxed and cheer me up. I wish I could so much. Finances are so tight though. Too bad she didn't give me a prescription for it and I could charge it to my insurance. Somehow I think that claim would be denied.

I got a cool card in the mail. A friend of mine who is moving out of the country sent me a card just letting me know she was thinking of me. We haven't had as close contact as we had because of family issues. Just out of the blue on such a hard week, she just wanted to tell me hi. That girl has perfect timing. I'm so grateful to her. That card is going on the cabinet in my kitchen so I can remember to keep my chin up. I miss her but know she is doing great things now and moving will be wonderful for her.


Heather said...

I remember the days that my husband would just sit and ask us not to touch him. The cemo made him just sick, in fact he told me that he now knows what it feels like to have morning sickness. Hope you feel better soon.

Darci said...

Oh wow that is cool about the picture.
I am sorry that you have been feeling crappy. I get nose bleeds when I am anemic too.
Good luck

Elozia Marie said...

Oh Heidi, I wish there was something we could do to fix all this quickly. I'm sorry there isn't. Just big hugs from me.


Anonymous said...

Do you have a heating pad, rice bag, etc. to help with the aches??? That seemed to help me some. Enduring to the end gets really, REALLY hard some days, but I'm here to tell you its worth it! That's great news about the photo! Way to go! My fingers are crossed that you get the $10,000! Much love!

Lee said...

I hope that soon you are able to have a day where you feel better, you feel like you. You are in my prayers daily. I hope things get better soon.

Rachau said...

I hope you get to feel like you again soon! I was going to say try a heat pack also.It helps with pain.Also try a little bit of lavender oil on the pack it will help you also.
Wow the phot sounds great.I hope you get the $10,000! I will also ne crossing my fingers for you.
You are in my prayer daily also Heidi.
Chin up and look to a new day!

Anonymous said...

The photo book things are really designed to get people to order the book. So it is kind of a scam. They do this with my high school kids too. They'll send them a notice saying that they are on a national scholar list or that they are going to be in the who's who book of American high school students. They get the kid all excited by telling them what a priveledge this is and then they ask for $50-$100 from Mom and Dad for the book! My advise is to stay away from these things and enjoy your photos as they are. They won't look that good in the book as they do in the prints that you have. I really do like your photography though.

Melissa said...

I am sorry you are having to go through all this! And I tell you, if I wasn't a poor students wife I would fly up there and we would go get massages and the works together! I hope today is better!

Tanya said...

I'm so happy to be connected again so I can see your blog! I know the pains you're talking about, they come after seizures for me. I wish I could just buy you a year's worth of massages just for these days!! I hope you have some heating pads or rice bags like the pp said, I hope they'll help like they're supposed to too.

Love ya chick!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!