Monday, August 14, 2006

Back from my mini vacation

I had the chance to go visit my friend Tanya up in Washington this past weekend. My mil thought I was nuts for going somewhere the week of chemo, but I didn't start having problems until Sunday afternoon, so I did alright.

Friday after my shots for my blood levels, my parents took me to the train station and waited with me for the late train to show up. I got a business class seat on the way up and it was really worth it. I had a row to myself and it was quiet and peaceful. I even got a ticket for money off in the "bistro" and was able to get a drink for nothing. Very difficult to do my cross-stitch, but I enjoyed the trip nonetheless. I miss riding the train and plan to do it sometime soon again.

Tanya and O picked me up in Tacoma and I immediately felt terrible. Worst day of the week, worst time of day for traffic in Tacoma. But soon we were chatting like crazy and I didn't notice the traffic after a while. In fact, most of the weekend, we were talking and laughing and just being together and the time went so fast! When we got to her new home they had just bought, I was immediately in love. So perfect for her family. Just the right size. When I like a home, I can't help but start imagining how I would arrange my things. I hope I didn't drive her nuts with that. But it's just what Jason and I have always wanted. Yellow house, front porch area big enough for a chair, fenced back yard, area for swingset, area for a garden, big enough kitchen, and best of all, the fridge. She must think I'm insane! But I love her fridge. It had an icemaker and I constantly filled my glass with crushed ice and water all weekend. The water tasted great and much better than here in Portland.

We didn't do anything really wild, just got to be friends together and talk and laugh and just We've been friends for a long time and we didn't have to do anything really big to enjoy each other. I was being careful after chemo and we just spent time around the house. I think the worst part was trying to figure out where to eat for lunch on Saturday. Both of us couldn't make a decision and I know I wanted to make sure got to eat where she wanted so we almost went hungry trying to make sure the other person ate where they wanted because we could never decide what to eat. Geez, we're weird. lol

I had insisted on taking them out for dinner and was didn't get a real chance to do it because her dh made a wonderful pork roast dinner. I know he didn't know this, but one of my favorite dinners is pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, and veggies with homemade fruit sorbet. That's what we had!! He made it and didn't know how much it's one of my favorites. Then the man butters me up even more and makes a great Sunday breakfast with Tanya helping out on eggs. This Southern gentleman made biscuits and gravy, bacon, juice, and eggs. I was in shock, but very pleased. I didn't know Reid had it in him. The man's not perfect though. He's a very polite man with a southern drawl but can whip out the "F" word when you least expect it. rofl

I almost didn't want to come home. It's been a long time since I had such a big comfy bed to myself without a baby sneaking into it at night. The weather was cooler, lots of big green trees, and everything was very soothing. But I missed my babies, my dh, and my a/c. (Sorry Tanya) Glad to be back home now. I started getting the pains from my chemo on Sunday and I was hoping it wasn't too obvious but it was shooting up my legs and making me knees weak. I was so happy to sink into that train chair at the train station on the way home. Last night was so hard to sleep, but thank goodness for great pain meds and a rest today. A wonderful family in our ward had the girls today and I was able to take some really good pain meds that helped the pain go away. I'm feeling much better than before but still leery of the pain.

Thanks so much to Tanya and her family. I had a really great time in their home and even though we had a couple of "scuffles", I still love em! ;)


Tanya said...

Can you come back soon? I would love to see ya again! :D

Reid would freak out if he knew you'd old about his dark side! He does try not to say things like that ya know, but the sailor in him just reverts.(and he's around it all day...)

We wouldn't have had any scuffles if you' just let us spoil you by the way.... ;p

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you got the much needed vaction.