Monday, October 23, 2006

Panic is starting to set in

There's too much going on and I can slowly feel the panic starting to set in. It's like it's bubbling underneath the surface and I'm just waiting. Chloe has to get to school in the morning, I need to do work stuff, take care of Lindsey, get over my cold and sore throat, plan dinner, clean house, do laundry, worry about various family members and what's happening with them. Try not to get too paranoid about my mil and every word she speaks to me. Go to radiation, make sure I have someone to watch Lindsey during that, see if the car is ready, turn in the rental, pick Chloe up from school, keep my temper, and answer the phone for work.

I'm so close to losing it. I keep breathing fast and I want to cry. I don't know how to make it better though!


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi,

I know that you have been having a hard time lately. Sometimes you need to look for the positive things in life, even if it seems there are none. I have found it helpfull to have a good attitude to make it through the rough times.

I also like to turn to the scriptures and prayer when I am having hard trials. I like this scripture:

Alma 1: 25
25 Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were asteadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.

I know these trials are hard and often times unbearable. Remember to trust in the atonement it has great power for all.

Heidi we love you and pray for you often.

Rachau said...
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Tanya said...

I tried to post yesterday but stinkin' blogger >:S wouldn't give me a chance to get in.

I'm so sorry you're feeling panicky, I know that you're going through a big mess and it's gotta take it's toll. I hope that you can find some solutions some time soon and I know it's way easier said than done. All I can do is hope the best for you.

call if you need to, even if it's just scream and cry and throw a huge fit. I love you!

sheri said...

You're doing great. It's totally understandable to be feeling panicky. Hang in there!