Sunday, October 01, 2006

Recovery is good

I'm doing much better than I was expecting. My last surgery was huge and painful and I thought I would be in so much pain than I was before. But it's like Dr. Gray said, compared to the mastectomy, this was a piece of cake. Still hurts at time, but nowhere even close to what I had in April. I wish it was calmer here. I think it will help when Chloe goes to school tomorrow. As much as I love the girls, they bring a lot of chaos here and it's hard to relax when there's a lot going on. I'd love for them to go to Grandma's for a couple of days so I can have some more naps. I absolutely love taking naps! I get all my pillows arranged and set up and I could sleep for hours. Just not the same at night.

I'm still trying to be cautious though. I don't want to do too much and regret it later. So even though I feel good, I'm going to try and be careful and not overdo it. I wish Jason could stay longer. (sigh)

Time for more meds, antibiotics, and getting my dressings changed. Can hardly wait for the next day and all the fun stuff that comes with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad recovery is going better than you expected. I hope things heal quickly and that you get a good nap in.