Monday, May 08, 2006

2nd surgery today

I had a port put in today in a same day surgery. I was so worried and nervous beforehand. I was remembering the last time I went in the hospital it was so awful and I was worried it would be that way again.

This was a piece of cake!!! I had a blessing last night by my dad that helped so much. I was able to sleep okay and even though I didn't have a chance to eat this morning, I was able to have my regular chocolate milk like always. It's a good thing, because I didn't have a chance to eat for 24 hours! From 7pm last night til after 6 pm tonight. But I got the girls taken care of and made it back home with seconds to spare before my wonderful ride showed up to take me to Vancouver. Sister Herbert was awesome and took me to the hospital on her day off. I got there at 10:41am and was sent to the cath lab waiting room after being driven in a wheelchair by a very old lady. My mom showed up shortly afterwards and we waited for about 2 hours before I went back to have my IV started and blood drawn. Then we waited some more before they had a bed ready for me. I guess they had a brand new computer system and some other procedures were taking longer than others so time just dragged forever.

I finally got a bed and had the doctor come and talk to me and sign papers. His name was Dr. Bloch and he's a interventive radiologist. I had to ask because I had no idea if he was a surgeon or what. But he reassured me what his job was and told me he had performed over a 1000 of these ports and had previously worked at University of Washington and had the most experience of any of the guys at this particular hospital. He wasn't bragging, he was reassuring me that he knew what he was doing. I was grateful for his time he took with me as well as the nurses that I dealt with.

The guy left my chart there and since I was bored, I read it! Very entertaining. lol Everything is in it's own little section. Hospital orders, diagnosis, doctor orders, etc. I was in a weird mood and when I got the recovery and release section, there was nothing there. So I told my mom this and said they must think I'm going to DIE!!!! You had to be there but it made both of us laugh so hard that I think we woke up the patient in the next curtained area.

So I get some stuff that makes me a bit drowsy and off we went to the OR. They got me on the table and got me all hooked up and ready to go. When they started, I thought that I would fall asleep or at least get really really out of it. It felt like when I get my pain meds after my saline fill. The worst part was getting my IV in or when they gave me the numbing meds so they could put the port in. There was a lot of tugging and pulling and that's it. they kept asking if I was asleep but I never did even get the feeling that I wanted to. I was totally alert and asked questions once in a while. I got back to my curtain and less than 20 minutes later I was up and having to go to the bathroom. I went home about 45 minutes after that.

I feel a small bump under my skin is all. Not too much pain, just some achiness. Thank goodness today is over! I took some strong meds and I'm going to go get some good sleep now. Whew!!!!


Heather said...

Wow- I missed it when they put my dh's port in. But I know that it made the rest of his treatments go so much better. ((Hugs))

sheri said...

I'm glad it went so well today. Hope you get a great night's sleep tonight!