Sunday, June 18, 2006

I've got dragon butt

As my dad would call it. Or you can call it dragging butt.

I'm so completely wiped out this time around with chemo. The very thought of food makes me sick even though I'm taking all the right meds. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. I can barely stand to do things then I feel like I've run a marathon and have to rest for a while to get any energy back. I wanted to go to church this morning and see the girls attempt to sing in Sacrament meeting. I sat up there with them, but the rest of the meeting, my stomach was bothering me and I felt like I needed to go lay down. Jason brought me home and except for being a little in and out of it, I slept til at least 4pm.

I woke up in the morning still wiped out but so darn thirsty. I could have just turned the faucet on in my mouth I was so thirsty. I gulped down two big chocolate milks and had to bring rootbeer barrel candies to suck on during church. Then I didn't eat til after 5pm and could barely stand to eat the mashed potatoes and chicken my mil made. I could drink like crazy, but not eat so much.

I've not felt this way before with a chemo treatment. I don't know if this is normal or not. But I'm taking all my meds when I need to but I don't remember feeling this run down before. It almost seems worse with each treatment. If the nausea doesn't get any better in the next day or two, I'm going to call and see if I can get something more. Not only do I feel rotten physically, but emotionally, I'm totally drained. I feel completely empty inside. All I can do is cry or sleep lately. I wish I didn't have to have the girls around so I could just sleep for 48 hours straight. That sounds like pure heaven right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet friend,
What you are experiencing is the epitome of chemo. No words can describe the utter exhaustion, the complete lack of energy. The build-up of chemo effects are indescribable. The nurses that helped me told me to drink 3 QUARTS of water a day, to get rid of the poison asap. Sometimes it was too hard; I noticed that I didn't feel well when I slacked off the water. I was a slacker when it came to church. I usually stayed home the weekend after a treatment. It was just too much energy expended to get up, ready, even walking from the car to the church, let alone being "Up" to greet friends and well wishers. Do what you can; and remember, its time to take care of you right now! That was one of my hardest lessons to learn! Your butt can drag, but not your fighting attitude and spirit! Take care, more prayers are coming your way! luvu